I know, I know....what the heck is a Moink Ball.Well,simplyput,MoinkBallsaremeatballswrappedinbacon.Theywere originallyconceivedusingstoreboughtfrozenmeatballswrappedin1/2 sliceofbacon,howeverImuchprefermakingthemfromscratchusing sausage,groundbeefandseasonings.Theywereoriginallyconceivedby cooksduringcompetitionsasachef’streatandweremadeofjustfrozen meatballsandbacon.TheseareWAYBETTER.Thisrecipewillyieldabout 50 Moink Balls…perfect for tailgating or the big game this weekendWhat You’ll Need2 Lb - Ground Beef - chilled1 Lb - Bulk Breakfast Sausage - (I prefer Hot) - chilled3 - Eggs1 ½ C - Bread Crumbs¾ C - Parmesan Cheese3 - Cloves Garlic - minced3 Tbs - Simon & Garfunkle Seasoning (or Italian Seasoning)2 Tbs - Dry Rub (Optional)2 Lb - Bacon - Thin Cut - each slice cut in half1 Jar - BBQ sauce¼ C - Rasberry Jalapeno Jam (optional)ToothpicksHow it’s DonePrep and preheat smoker / grill to 375°F for INDIRECT heatingIn large bowl combine Ground Beef, Sausage, Eggs, Bread Crumbs, Parmesan Cheese and Garlic until blended. Roll the meat mixture into 1 ½” balls (about the size of golf ball)Wrap each ball with ½ slice of bacon and secure with toothpick.Sprinkle meatballs sparingly with dry rubPlace on cool side of smoker / grill and cook for about 20 min. While Balls are cooking, prepare glaze by adding BBQ sauce and Jam into sauce pan and heat on stove or in smoker.After cooking 20 minutes, glaze the Moink balls and return to heat for an additional 10 minutes or until done. Moink Balls are done when bacon is crisp and internal temp is at least 165°FTipsThehightemperatureisneededtocrispupthebacon.Notmuchsmokeisneededsojustuseahandfulofchipsorachunkof wood (pecan, hickory)Be sure to use 80/20 (20% fat content) ground beef. This will help ensure that the meat does not dry out before the bacon is done. Experimentwithdifferentseasonings:Basil,Thyme,Rosemary,Cilantro,Garlic,OnionPowderetc.Butdon’tgowild...tomanyor to much could spell disaster.Moink Balls make the perfect “Chef’s Treat” that can be eaten right off the grill while waiting for the main course to be done.
Iknow,Iknow....whatthe heck is a Moink Ball.Well,simplyput,MoinkBalls aremeatballswrappedin bacon.Theywereoriginallyconceivedusingstore boughtfrozenmeatballswrappedin1/2sliceof bacon,howeverImuchprefermakingthemfrom scratchusingsausage,groundbeefandseasonings. Theywereoriginallyconceivedbycooksduring competitionsasachef’streatandweremadeofjust frozenmeatballsandbacon.TheseareWAYBETTER.Thisrecipewillyieldabout50MoinkBalls…perfect for tailgating or the big game this weekendWhat You’ll Need2 Lb - Ground Beef - chilled1 Lb - Bulk Breakfast Sausage - (I prefer Hot) - chilled3 - Eggs1 ½ C - Bread Crumbs¾ C - Parmesan Cheese3 - Cloves Garlic - minced3Tbs-Simon&GarfunkleSeasoning(orItalian Seasoning)2 Tbs - Dry Rub (Optional)2 Lb - Bacon - Thin Cut - each slice cut in half1 Jar - BBQ sauce¼ C - Rasberry Jalapeno Jam (optional)ToothpicksHow it’s DonePrepandpreheatsmoker/grillto375°Ffor INDIRECT heatingInlargebowlcombineGroundBeef,Sausage,Eggs, BreadCrumbs,ParmesanCheeseandGarlicuntil blended. Rollthemeatmixtureinto1½”balls(aboutthesize of golf ball)Wrapeachballwith½sliceofbaconandsecurewith toothpick.Sprinkle meatballs sparingly with dry rubPlaceoncoolsideofsmoker/grillandcookforabout 20 min. WhileBallsarecooking,prepareglazebyadding BBQsauceandJamintosaucepanandheatonstove or in smoker.Aftercooking20minutes,glazetheMoinkballsand returntoheatforanadditional10minutesoruntil done. MoinkBallsaredonewhenbaconiscrispand internal temp is at least 165°FTipsThehightemperatureisneededtocrispupthe bacon.Notmuchsmokeisneededsojustusea handful of chips or a chunk of wood (pecan, hickory)Besuretouse80/20(20%fatcontent)groundbeef. Thiswillhelpensurethatthemeatdoesnotdryout before the bacon is done. Experimentwithdifferentseasonings:Basil,Thyme, Rosemary,Cilantro,Garlic,OnionPowderetc.But don’tgowild...tomanyortomuchcouldspell disaster.MoinkBallsmaketheperfect“Chef’sTreat”thatcan beeatenrightoffthegrillwhilewaitingforthemain course to be done.