"When a man's stomach is full it makes no difference whether he is rich or poor." Euripides (BC 480 - 406 Greek Tragic Poet)
Grizzlys BBQ
AGAIN.....thank you to Matt Martinez.....another one of his MANY excellent recipes. As Matt puts it......"Black Magic Doesn't reveal its ingredients in the finished product - it only enhances the finished product" What You’ll Need 1 Bottle (10 oz) Soy Sauce (Lite or Reduced Sodium) 1/3 Cup - Red Wine Vinegar 1/3 Cup - Red Wine ( actually 1 and 1/3 cup.....1 cup for sipping as your preparing dinner and 1/3 cup for cooking) How It’s Done I mix all the ingredients and pour into a plastic squeeze bottle (which I label so as not to confuse it with anything else) It is very important to use a soy sauce with lower sodium content, this way the salt content of the recipe can be regulated by the cook and you don't end up with too much salt (which REALLY ruins a good dish)
Black Magic Finishing Sauce
Grizzlys BBQ
Sauces & Spices
Grizzlys BBQ | Forney Texas, United States of America
"When a man's stomach is full it makes no difference whether he is rich or poor." Euripides (BC 480 - 406 Greek Tragic Poet)
Grizzlys BBQ | Forney TX, USA
Grizzlys BBQ
AGAIN.....thank you to Matt Martinez.....another one of his MANY excellent recipes. As Matt puts it......"Black Magic Doesn't reveal its ingredients in the finished product - it only enhances the finished product" What you Need 1 Bottle (10 oz) Soy Sauce (Lite or Reduced Sodium) 1/3 Cup - Red Wine Vinegar 1/3 Cup - Red Wine ( actually 1 and 1/3 cup.....1 cup for sipping as your preparing dinner and 1/3 cup for cooking) How It’s Done I mix all the ingredients and pour into a plastic squeeze bottle (which I label so as not to confuse it with anything else) It is very important to use a soy sauce with lower sodium content, this way the salt content of the recipe can be regulated by the cook and you don't end up with too much salt (which REALLY ruins a good dish)
Black Magic Finishing Sauce
Grizzlys BBQ
Sauces & Spices